
为什么我的账单这么高er than expected?

There are many reasons for why your bill may be higher than planned for. We’re here to provide information that can pinpoint what could cause a higher bill.

What has changed since your last bill?



季节性 change not only brings a difference in temperature, but a difference in energy usage. High bills typically occur when the weather changes and the temperature outside varies greatly from the thermostat setting inside your home.


电器 & 设备

Depending on the season, different appliances or 设备 may be used. Things like space heaters in the garage, 热水浴缸供暖, 电动桑拿, 额外的冰箱, pool pumps or AC units all can increase energy usage.


假期 & 假期

家里有更多的人, changes in usage can be a result of more outlets being used to power electronics, heating or cooling throughout the day versus it being off during work or earlier days and longer nights of energy usage.

How do I know what is impacting my bill?

  • 季节性的使用
  • 计费 & 付款
  • 电器 & 设备
  • 利率 & 日程安排

How do seasons impact my bill monthly?

在冬天, your heating system is the largest energy user in your home. As the weather gets cooler, the heating system operates longer, increasing your bill. The cooler the weather, the larger difference in your thermostat setting. Your home will be working harder to maintain the setting on your thermostat.


提示: Set your thermostat as low as comfort permits. Set it even lower when you are away or asleep. The lower the setting, the more savings.

明智地使用取暖器. Operating a space heater can increase your bill. Limit your usage to help reduce your energy bill.


提示: 消除穿堂风. If you feel cold air coming in, warm air is escaping. Keep windows and doors closed, and use caulk or weather tripping to seal potential leaks.

寒假 & 假期 may also mean there are more people in the home for longer hours. Increase of outlets and electronics used can increase your bill.

An example energy usage graph showing high or low temperatures increases energy cost 

Why has my bill amount suddenly changed?

If you are on a 预算支付计划, your usage will be reviewed periodically and your monthly 付款 may be adjusted based on changes in your usage or energy prices. If you consistently use more energy than planned, your budget billing amount will go up. An outstanding balance or 付款 arrangement can also affect the amount of your bill each month.


How can I make sure my usage is efficient?

Changes such as upgrading your older appliances or unplugging 设备 that may be using unnecessary energy can be a quick adjustment to reducing your bill. Our energy usage guide can help you identify how your appliances, electronics, and lighting compare. If you want to go a step further, you can schedule a free 家庭能源评估 to see what in your home can be improved.

Adding new items to your day to day life can also increase your usage. 一辆新的电动汽车, 炉, or hot tub could make a substantial difference from your previous energy bills.



Rate filings can decrease or increase your bill throughout the year. For an outline of our most recent filings and how it may change your bill, please visit our rates changes page below.


Tools to help manage your bill



Want to be notified when you're using more than you think? Setting up your bill alerts will let you know when your energy usage is trending higher than you're expecting, making sure your bill won't come as a surprise.

Set up your bill notifications


The more energy-efficient your home becomes, the lower your bills can be. Talking to one of our Energy Advisors can help you find rebates and savings on energy efficiency upgrades to your living space.



Your usage graphs can help you pinpoint why you're using more energy. Compare your energy costs and usage or take an online home energy analysis to get a personalized annual energy usage breakdown.





We offer two programs that can provide funds to help you pay your bill or can help you with free home upgrades and repairs.



We understand there are times when it's more convenient to pay a bill in small 付款s. We're happy to make that arrangement with you.



Want more predictable energy bills? Our 预算支付计划 evens out your energy costs throughout the year.

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